Dieback of Juglans regia caused by Phytophthora cactorum
Photo Gallery
Phytophthora cactorum disease symptoms on English walnut |
P. arenaria disease symptoms on Banksia Dead Banksia sp. in a Kwongan heathland on mineral sand near Eneabba, Western Australia recently killed by root and collar rot caused by Phytophthora arenaria |
P. cambivora on dead and dying chinquapin Dead and dying chinquapin infected with P. cambivora |
P. arenaria disease symptoms on Banksia Dead Banksia sp. in a Kwongan heathland on mineral sand near Eneabba, Western Australia recently killed by root and collar rot caused by Phytophthora arenaria |
P. katsurae sporangia Papillate, non-caducous sporangium with differentiated content; photo used with permission from Q-bank |
P. cryptogea sporangia Sporangiophore showing internal proliferation through empty sporangia after zoospore release |
P. austrocedrae irregular sporangium P. austrocedrae - irregular sporangium with lateral attachment and swelling in sporangiophore |
P. nemorosa colony morphology on PDA Colony morphology on PDA at 14 days |
P. siskiyouensis sporangium P. siskiyouensis sporangium with lateral semi-papilla and subterminal, sub-basal insertion in the sporangiophore |
P. agathidicia growth on PDA Colony morphology of ex-holotype ICMP 17027 after 10-days incubation at 20°C in the dark |
P. pluvialis symptoms Symptoms of red needle cast on Douglas-fir needles |
P. pinifolia on Pinus radiata Pinus radiata stand, note Defoliation and regrowth |