P. cactorum sporangium
Photo Gallery
P. cactorum sporangium |
P. cambivora sporangium Ovoid non- papillate sporangia |
P. cambivora inactive lesion on chinquapin Inactive lesion of P. cambivora on chinquapin |
P. cambivora sporangium Ovoid non-papillate sporangia with well-rounded base and simple sporangiophore |
P. pinifolia on Pinus radiata Pinus radiata, note grey and collapsed needle bases |
P. cactorum bleeding canker Bleeding canker on European beech (Fagus sylvatica) |
P. arenaria disease symptoms on Banksia Dead Banksia sp. in a Kwongan heathland on mineral sand near Eneabba, Western Australia recently killed by root and collar rot caused by Phytophthora arenaria |
Vehicle washing Truck washing to avoid spread of P. lateralis |
P. arenaria disease symptoms on Banksia Dead Banksia sp. in a Kwongan heathland on mineral sand near Eneabba, Western Australia recently killed by root and collar rot caused by Phytophthora arenaria |
P. lateralis on Port Orford Cedar Horticultural planting of Port-Orford cedar, photo from USDA Forest Service, Dorena Genetic Resource Center |
P. agathidicia oogonia P. agathidicida oogonia with SEM (top) and light microscopy (bottom) |
P. tentaculata chlamydospore P. tentaculata chlamydospore with short hyphal projection |