Cottony colony morphology at 14 days at 20°C on PDA
Photo Gallery
P. cambivora colony morphology on PDA |
P. tentaculata sporangium Papillate sporangium of P. tentaculata |
P. alni subsp alni sporangium Non-papillate, non caducous sporangium, photo used with permission from Q-bank |
P. pluvialis on Pinus radiata in New Zealand Pinus radiata needles showing colour changes following infection with red needle cast disease. The tissues around the initial infection at the base or along the needle senesce, and change yellow and then brown as indicated by the arrows before the needles cast. |
P. frigida chlamydospore Globose chlamydospores of P. frigida |
P. megasperma oogonium Oogonium with paragynous antheridia applied close to the ogonial stalk. |
P. tentaculata sporangium Papillate sporangium of P. tentaculata |
Stain from Port Orford Cedar root disease Stain from Chamaecyparis lawsoniana root disease on the Smith River |
P. katsurae disease symptoms Infected chestnut (Castanea) with bleeding canker |
P. austrocedrae - necrotic lesion in phloem |
P. alni oogonia Smooth-walled oogonium of P. alni (Swedish variant) with oospore and amphigynous antheridium. |
P. cambivora sporangium Ovoid non-papillate sporangia with well-rounded base and simple sporangiophore |