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Jafari F, Mostowfizadeh‐Ghalamfarsa R, Safaiefarahani B, Burgess TI. Potential host range of four Phytophthora interspecific hybrids from Clade 8a. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;69(7):1281 - 1290. Available from:
Jeffers SN. Enhancing detection of Phytophthora cactorum in naturally infested soil. Phytopathology. 1987 ;77(10):1475.
Johnston SF, Cohen MF, Torok T, Meentemeyer RK, Rank NE. Host Phenology and Leaf Effects on Susceptibility of California Bay Laurel to Phytophthora ramorum. Phytopathology [Internet]. 2016 ;106(1):47 - 55. Available from:
Jönsson U, Lundberg L, Sonesson K, Jung T. First records of soilborne Phytophthora species in Swedish oak forests. Forest Pathology. 2003 ;33(3):175 - 179.
Jonsson U, Jung T, Sonesson K, Rosengren U. Relationships between health of Quercus robur, occurrence of Phytophthora species and site conditions in southern Sweden. Plant Pathology. 2005 ;54(4):502 - 511.
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Jules ES, Steenbock CM, Carroll AL. Update on the 35-year expansion of the invasive root pathogen, Phytophthora lateralis, across a landscape of Port Orford cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) Vannini Á. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2014 :165-168. Available from:
Julich S, Riedel M, Kielpinski M, Urban M, Kretschmer R, Wagner S, Fritzsche W, Henkel T, Möller R, Werres S. Development of a lab-on-a-chip device for diagnosis of plant pathogens. Biosensors and Bioelectronics [Internet]. 2011 ;26:4070 - 4075. Available from:
Jung T, Chang TT, Bakonyi J, Seress D, Pérez-Sierra A, Yang X, Hong C, Scanu B, Fu CH, Hsueh KL, et al. Diversity of Phytophthora species in natural ecosystems of Taiwan and association with disease symptoms. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2017 ;66:194–211. Available from:
Jung T, Burgess TI. Re-evaluation of Phytophthora citricola isolates from multiple woody hosts in Europe and North America reveals a new species, Phytophthora plurivora sp. nov. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi. 2009 ;22(1):95 - 110.
Jung T, Cooke DEL, Blaschke H, Duncan JM, Oßwald W. Phytophthora quercina sp. nov., causing root rot of European oaks. Mycological Research [Internet]. 1999 ;103(7):785 - 798. Available from:
Jung T, Stukely MJC, Hardy GESJ, White D, Paap T, Dunstan WA, Burgess TI. Multiple new Phytophthora species from ITS Clade 6 associated with natural ecosystems in Australia: evolutionary and ecological implications. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi [Internet]. 2011 ;26(1):13 - 39. Available from:
Jung T, Nechwatal J, Cooke DEL, Hartmann ünther, Blaschke M, Oßwald WF, Duncan JM, Delatour C. Phytophthora pseudosyringae sp. nov., a new species causing root and collar rot of deciduous tree species in Europe. Mycological Research. 2003 ;107(7):772 - 789.
Jung T, Hudler GW, Jensen-Tracy SL, Griffiths HM, Fleischmann F, Osswald W. Involvement of Phytophthora species in the decline of European beech in Europe and the USA. Mycologist [Internet]. 2005 ;19:159 - 166. Available from:
Jung T, Blaschke H, Oßwald W. Involvement of soilborne Phytophthora species in Central European oak decline and the effect of site factors on the disease. Plant Pathology. 2000 ;49(6):706 - 718.
Jung T, Blaschke M. Phytophthora root and collar rot of alders in Bavaria: distribution, modes of spread and possible management strategies. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2004 ;53(2):197 - 208. Available from:
Jung T, Blaschke M. Phytophthora root and collar rot of alders in Bavaria: distribution, modes of spread and possible management strategies. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2004 ;53:197 - 208. Available from:
Jung T, Hansen EM, Winton L, Oßwald W, Delatour C. Three new species of Phytophthora from European oak forests. Mycological Research. 2002 ;106(4):397 - 411.
Jung T, Durán A, von Stowasser ESanfuentes, Schena L, Mosca S, Fajardo S, González M, Ortega ADNavarro, Bakonyi J, Seress D, et al. Diversity of Phytophthora species in Valdivian rainforests and association with severe dieback symptoms Woodward S. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2018 :e12443. Available from:
Jung T, Nechwatal J. Phytophthora gallica sp. nov., a new species from rhizosphere soil of declining oak and reed stands in France and Germany. Mycological Research. 2008 ;112(10):1195 - 1205.
Jung T, Stukely MJC, Hardy GES t J, White D, Paap T, Dunstan WA, Burgess TI. Multiple new Phytophthora species from ITS Clade 6 associated with natural ecosystems in Australia: evolutionary and ecological implications. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi [Internet]. 2011 ;26:13-39. Available from:
Jung T, Pérez-Sierra A, Durán A, M. Jung H, Balci Y, Scanu B. Canker and decline diseases caused by soil- and airborne Phytophthora species in forests and woodlands. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi [Internet]. 2018 ;40(08):182-220. Available from:
Jung T. Beech decline in Central Europe driven by the interaction between Phytophthora infections and climatic extremes. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2009 ;39(2):73 - 94. Available from:
Jung T, Colquhoun IJ, Hardy SGEJ. New insights into the survival strategy of the invasive soilborne pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi in different natural ecosystems in Western Australia Woodward S. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2013 ;43(4):266–288. Available from:
