P. kernoviae sporangium
Papillate and caducous sporangium, photo from Q-bank, used with permission
Papillate and caducous sporangium, photo from Q-bank, used with permission
Papillate, non-caducous sporangium with differentiated content; photo used with permission from Q-bank
Papillate, non-caducous sporangia; photo used with permission from Q-bank
Hyphal swelling photo used with permission from Q-bank
Non-papillate, non caducous sporangium, photo used with permission from Q-bank
Coenocytic hyphae (from Duran et al. 2008). Scale bar = 20 μm.
Spherical hyphal swelling with radiating hyphae (from Duran et al. 2008). Scale bar = 20 μm.
Non- papillate and caducous sporangia of Phytophthora pinifolia isolated from the infected P. radiata needles.
Non- papillate and caducous sporangia of Phytophthora pinifolia isolated from the infected P. radiata needles.
Sporangium of P. ramorum releasing zoospores