P. pseudotsugae sporangia
Broadly ovoid, papillate sporangia in water
P. Reeser
Pathogen Morphology:
Microscopic photos
Broadly ovoid, papillate sporangia in water
P. siskiyouensis oogonium with paragynous antheridium
P. siskiyouensis oogonium with amphigynous antheridium
P. siskiyouensis sporangium with lateral semi-papilla and subterminal, sub-basal insertion in the sporangiophore
Sporangia showing a variety of shapes and orientations of semi-papillae and sporangiophores
Sporangia of P. lateralis showing internal and external proliferation
Sympodial sporangiophore with external proliferation
Laterally intercalary chlamydospore of Phytophthora lateralis
Terminal chlamydospore on a short side stalk