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On-Site DNA Extraction and Real-Time PCR for Detection of Phytophthora ramorum in the FieldABSTRACT. Applied and Environmental Microbiology [Internet]. 2005 ;71(11):6702 - 6710. Available from:
. Origin of a new Phytophthora pathogen through interspecific hybridization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Internet]. 1999 ;96:5878-5883. Available from:
. An overview of Australia’s Phytophthora species assemblage in natural ecosystems recovered from a survey in Victoria. IMA Fungus [Internet]. 2016 ;7(1):47-58. Available from:
. An Overview of Canadian Research Activities on Diseases Caused by Phytophthora ramorum: Results, Progress, and Challenges. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2018 ;102(7):1218 - 1233. Available from:
An Overview of Canadian Research Activities on Diseases Caused by Phytophthora ramorum: Results, Progress, and Challenges. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2018 ;102(7):1218 - 1233. Available from:
An Overview of Canadian Research Activities on Diseases Caused by Phytophthora ramorum: Results, Progress, and Challenges. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2018 ;102(7):1218 - 1233. Available from:
An Overview of Canadian Research Activities on Diseases Caused by Phytophthora ramorum: Results, Progress, and Challenges. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2018 ;102(7):1218 - 1233. Available from:
Pathogenicity of four Phytophthora species on wild cherry and Italian alder seedlings. Journal of Phytopathology [Internet]. 2006 ;154:163–167. Available from:
. Pathogenicity of four Phytophthora species on wild cherry and Italian alder seedlings. Journal of Phytopathology [Internet]. 2006 ;154:163–167. Available from:
. Pathogenicity of Phytophthora lateralis lineages on resistant and susceptible selections of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2014 . Available from:
. Pathogenicity of Phytophthora multivora to Eucalyptus gomphocephala and Eucalyptus marginata. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2011 ;42:289–298. Available from:
. Pathogenicity of Phytophthora pluvialis to Pinus radiata and its relation with red needle cast disease in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science [Internet]. 2014 ;44(1):6. Available from:
. Pathogenicity of Phytophthora pluvialis to Pinus radiata and its relation with red needle cast disease in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science [Internet]. 2014 ;44(1):6. Available from:
. Pathogenicity of Phytophthora ramorum isolates from North America and Europe to bark of European Fagaceae, American Quercus rubra and other forest trees. In: Sudden oak death, a science symposium - the state of our knowledge, USDA Forest Service and University of California, Berkeley. Sudden oak death, a science symposium - the state of our knowledge, USDA Forest Service and University of California, Berkeley. ; 2002. pp. 30–31.
. PCR Protocols amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics. Elsevier; 1990 pp. 315 - 322. Available from:
. PCR-based DNA Markers for identifying hybrids within Phytophthora alni. Journal of Phytopathology [Internet]. 2006 ;154:168–177. Available from:
. PCR-RFLP markers identify three lineages of the North American and European populations of Phytophthora ramorum. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2009 ;39:266–278. Available from:
. Pest Alert: Phytophthora tentaculata. [Internet]. 2015 . Available from:
. Pest Alert: Phytophthora tentaculata. [Internet]. 2015 . Available from:
. Phenotypic diversification Is associated with host-induced transposon derepression in the sudden oak death pathogen Phytophthora ramorum. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2012 ;7:e34728. Available from:
. Phylogenetic analysis of Phytophthora species based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Fungal Genetics and Biology [Internet]. 2004 ;41(8):766 - 782. Available from:
. Phylogenetic analysis of Phytophthora species based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Fungal Genetics and Biology [Internet]. 2004 ;41(8):766 - 782. Available from:
. Phytophthora agathidicida: research progress, cultural perspectives and knowledge gaps in the control and management of kauri dieback in New Zealand. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;69(1):3 - 16. Available from:
Phytophthora agathidicida: research progress, cultural perspectives and knowledge gaps in the control and management of kauri dieback in New Zealand. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;69(1):3 - 16. Available from:
Phytophthora agathidicida: research progress, cultural perspectives and knowledge gaps in the control and management of kauri dieback in New Zealand. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;69(1):3 - 16. Available from: