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Filters: Detection-and-eradication-phytophthora-ramorum-oregon-forests-2001%E2%80%932008 is   [Clear All Filters]
Riddell CE, Dun HF, Elliot M, Armstrong AC, Clark M, Forster J, Hedley PE, Green S. Detection and spread of Phytophthora austrocedri within infected Juniperus communis woodland and diversity of co-associated Phytophthoras as revealed by metabarcoding. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;50(3):e12602. Available from:
Bregant C, Sanna GPaolo, Bottos A, Maddau L, Montecchio L, Linaldeddu BT. Diversity and Pathogenicity of Phytophthora Species Associated with Declining Alder Trees in Italy and Description of Phytophthora alpina sp. nov. Forests [Internet]. 2020 ;11(8):848. Available from:
Seddaiu S, Linaldeddu BT. First Report of Phytophthora acerina, P. plurivora, and P. pseudocryptogea Associated with Declining Common Alder Trees in Italy. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2020 ;104(6):1874. Available from:
Press CM, Fieland VJ, Creswell T, Bonkowski J, Miles L, Grünwald NJ. First Report of the NA2 Clonal Lineage of Phytophthora ramorum in Indiana. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2020 ;104(6):1875. Available from:
Fraser S, Gomez-Gallego M, Gardner J, Bulman LS, Denman S, Williams NM. Impact of weather variables and season on sporulation of Phytophthora pluvialis and Phytophthora kernoviae. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;50(2):e12588. Available from:
Gyeltshen J, Dunstan WA, Grigg AH, Burgess TI, Hardy GESt. J. The influence of time, soil moisture and exogenous factors on the survival potential of oospores and chlamydospores of Phytophthora cinnamomi. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;n/a:e12637. Available from:
Dadam D, Siasou E, Woodward S, Clark JA. Migratory passerine birds in Britain carry Phytophthora ramorum inoculum on their feathers and “feet” at low frequency. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;50(1):e12569. Available from:
Bradshaw RE, Bellgard SE, Black A, Burns BR, Gerth ML, McDougal RL, Scott PM, Waipara NW, Weir BS, Williams NM, et al. Phytophthora agathidicida: research progress, cultural perspectives and knowledge gaps in the control and management of kauri dieback in New Zealand. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;69(1):3 - 16. Available from:
Frankel SJ, Conforti C, Hillman J, Ingolia M, Shor A, Benner D, Alexander JM, Bernhardt E, Swiecki TJ. Phytophthora Introductions in Restoration Areas: Responding to Protect California Native Flora from Human-Assisted Pathogen Spread. Forests [Internet]. 2020 ;11(12):1291. Available from:
Jafari F, Mostowfizadeh‐Ghalamfarsa R, Safaiefarahani B, Burgess TI. Potential host range of four Phytophthora interspecific hybrids from Clade 8a. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;69(7):1281 - 1290. Available from:
Peterson EK, Rupp F, Eberhart J, Parke JL. Root Rot of Juniperus and Microbiota by Phytophthora lateralis in Oregon Horticultural Nurseries. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2020 ;104(5):1500 - 1506. Available from:
Rosenthal LMicaela, Fajardo SN, Rizzo D. Sporulation potential of Phytophthora ramorum differs among common California plant species in the Big Sur region. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2020 . Available from:
Jung T, Scanu B, Brasier CM, Webber J, Milenković I, Corcobado T, Tomšovský M, Pánek M, Bakonyi J, Maia C, et al. A Survey in Natural Forest Ecosystems of Vietnam Reveals High Diversity of both New and Described Phytophthora Taxa including P. ramorum. Forests [Internet]. 2020 ;11(1):93. Available from:
Burgess TI, López‐Villamor án, Paap T, Williams B, Belhaj R, Crone M, Dunstan W, Howard K, Hardy GESt. J. Towards a best practice methodology for the detection of Phytophthora species in soils. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;Early view. Available from:
