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AFLP and phylogenetic analyses of North American and European populations of Phytophthora ramorum. Mycological Research [Internet]. 2004 ;108:378 - 392. Available from:
. Characterization of microsatellite markers in the interspecific hybrid Phytophthora alni ssp. alni, and cross-amplification with related taxa. Molecular Ecology Notes [Internet]. 2007 ;7:133–137. Available from:
. Distribution and expression of elicitin genes in the interspecific hybrid oomycete Phytophthora alni. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. [Internet]. 2007 ;73:5587-5597. Available from:
. Distribution and expression of elicitin genes in the interspecific hybrid oomycete Phytophthora alni. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. [Internet]. 2007 ;73:5587-5597. Available from:
. First report of bleeding canker caused by Phytophthora cactorum on horse chestnut in Turkey. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2002 ;86(6):697 - 697. Available from:
. First Report of Gummosis Caused by Phytophthora frigida on Black Wattle in Brazil. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2016 ;100(11):2336 - 2336. Available from:
. First Report of Phytophthora ramorum Causing Japanese Larch Dieback in France. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2018 :PDIS-02-18-0288. Available from:
. Genetic characterization of the natural hybrid species Phytophthora alni as inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA analyses. Fungal Genetics and Biology [Internet]. 2006 ;43:511 - 529. Available from:
. Identification and detection of Phytophthora: reviewing our progress, identifying our needs. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2012 ;96:1080-1103. Available from:
. Lavender Cotton Root Rot: A New Host of Phytophthora tentaculata Found in Spain. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2006 ;90(4):523 - 523. Available from:
. Microsatellite markers identify three lineages of Phytophthora ramorum in US nurseries, yet single lineages in US forest and European nursery populations. Molecular Ecology [Internet]. 2006 ;15:1493–1505. Available from:
. A new threat to UK heathland from Phytophthora kernoviae on Vaccinium myrtillus in the wild. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2009 ;58:393–393. Available from:
. Non-oak native plants are main hosts for sudden oak death pathogen in California. Cal Ag [Internet]. 2003 ;57:18-23. Available from:
. Phytophthora genome sequences uncover evolutionary origins and mechanisms of pathogenesis. Science [Internet]. 2006 ;313:1261-1266. Available from:
Phytophthora Introductions in Restoration Areas: Responding to Protect California Native Flora from Human-Assisted Pathogen Spread. Forests [Internet]. 2020 ;11(12):1291. Available from:
. Phytophthora nemorosa, a new species causing cankers and leaf blight of forest trees in California and Oregon, U.S.A. Mycotaxon [Internet]. 2003 ;88:129–138. Available from:
. Phytophthora ramorum sp. nov., a new pathogen on Rhododendron and Viburnum. Mycological Research [Internet]. 2001 ;105:1155 - 1165. Available from:
. Potential susceptibility of Australian flora to a NA2 isolate of Phytophthora ramorum and pathogen sporulation potential. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2011 ;42:305–320. Available from:
. Potential susceptibility of Australian native plant species to branch dieback and bole canker diseases caused by Phytophthora ramorum. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2012 ;61:234–246. Available from:
. Report on the risk of entry, establishment, spread and socio-economic loss and environmental impact and the appropriate level of management for Phytophthora ramorum for the EU. . [Internet]. 2009 ;Deliverable Report 28:311 p. Available from:
SCAR–based PCR primers to detect the hybrid pathogen Phytophthora alni and its subspecies causing alder disease in Europe. European Journal of Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2005 ;112:323-335. Available from:
. Standardizing the nomenclature for clonal lineages of the sudden oak death pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum. Phytopathology [Internet]. 2009 ;99:792-795. Available from: