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Identification and Frequency of Phytophthora Species Associated with Foliar Diseases in California Ornamental Nurseries. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2009 ;93(9):883 - 890. Available from:
. Identification of Phytophthora species baited and isolated from forest soil and streams in northwestern Yunnan province, China . Forest Pathology. 2013 :n/a - n/a.
. The impact of plant diseases on world chocolate production. Plant Health Progress [Internet]. 2001 . Available from:
. The impact of plant diseases on world chocolate production. Plant Health Progress [Internet]. 2001 . Available from:
. Impact of removing diseased pods on cocoa black pod caused by Phytophthora megakarya and on cocoa production in Cameroon. Crop Protection [Internet]. 2004 ;23(5):415 - 424. Available from:
. Impact of weather variables and season on sporulation of Phytophthora pluvialis and Phytophthora kernoviae. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;50(2):e12588. Available from:
. An improved method for qPCR detection of three Phytophthora spp. in forest and woodland soils in northern Britain . Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2015 ;45(6):537–539. Available from:
. In Situ Production of Zoospores by Five Species of Phytophthora in Aqueous Environments for Use as Inocula. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2014 ;98(4):551 - 558. Available from:
. In vitro leaf inoculation studies as an indication of tree foliage susceptibility to Phytophthora ramorum in the UK. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2005 ;54:512–521. Available from:
. Incidence of Phytophthora root rot of Fraser fir in North Carolina and sensitivity of isolates of Phytophthora cinnamomi to metalaxyl. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2000 ;84:661-664. Available from:
. Increasing distance from California bay reduces the risk and severity of Phytophthora ramorum canker in coast live oak . Sudden oak death third science symposium [Internet]. 2008 ;Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-214:181-194. Available from:
. The influence of time, soil moisture and exogenous factors on the survival potential of oospores and chlamydospores of Phytophthora cinnamomi. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;n/a:e12637. Available from:
. Inoculum density relationships for infection of some eastern US forest species by Phytophthora ramorum. Journal of Phytopathology [Internet]. 2013 ;161(9):595–603. Available from:
. Involvement of Phytophthora species in white oak (Quercus alba) decline in southern Ohio. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2010 ;40:430–442. Available from:
. Involvement of Phytophthora species in white oak (Quercus alba) decline in southern Ohio. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2010 ;40:430–442. Available from:
. Involvement of soilborne Phytophthora species in Central European oak decline and the effect of site factors on the disease. Plant Pathology. 2000 ;49(6):706 - 718.
. Isolation of Phytophthora lateralis from Chamaecyparis foliage in Taiwan. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2011 :no–no. Available from:
. Isolation of Phytophthora lateralis from Chamaecyparis foliage in Taiwan. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2011 :no–no. Available from:
. Kauri (Agathis australis) Under Threat From Phytophthora?. Fourth Meeting of IUFRO Working Party S07.02.09. 2007 ;General Technical report PSW-GTR-221:74–85.
. A leaf and twig disease of English holly caused by Phytophthora ilicis N. sp. Phytopathology. 1957 ;47:95-101.
. The life history of Phytophthora cactorum (Leb. & Cohn) Schroet. Transactions of the British Mycological Society [Internet]. 1943 ;26:71 - 89. Available from:
. Management of red needle cast, caused by Phytophthora pluvialis, a new disease of radiata pine in New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protection [Internet]. 2014 ;67:48–53. Available from:
. Management of red needle cast, caused by Phytophthora pluvialis, a new disease of radiata pine in New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protection [Internet]. 2014 ;67:48–53. Available from:
. Membrane-based oligonucleotide array developed from multiple markers for the detection of many Phytophthora species. Phytopathology. 2013 ;103(1):43 - 54.
. Metabarcoding and development of new Real-time specific assays reveal Phytophthora species diversity in Holm Oak forests in eastern Spain. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2017 ;66:115–123. Available from: