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Winton LM, Hansen EM. Molecular diagnosis of Phytophthora lateralis in trees, water, and foliage baits using multiplex polymerase chain reaction. Forest Pathology. 2001 ;31:275 - 283.
Cooke DEL, Drenth A, Duncan JM, Wagels G, Brasier CM. A molecular phylogeny of Phytophthora and related Oomycetes. Fungal Genetics and Biology [Internet]. 2000 ;30:17-32. Available from:
Henricot B, Pérez-Sierra A, Armstrong AC, Sharp PM, Green S. Morphological and genetic analyses of the invasive forest pathogen Phytophthora austrocedri reveal that two clonal lineages colonized Britain and Argentina from a common ancestral population. Phytopathology [Internet]. 2017 ;107(12):1532 - 1540. Available from:
Nechwatal J, Bakonyi J, Cacciola SO, Cooke DEL, Jung T, Nagy ZÁ, Vannini Á, Vettraino AM, Brasier CM. The morphology, behaviour and molecular phylogeny of Phytophthora taxon Salixsoil and its redesignation as Phytophthora lacustris sp. nov. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2012 ;(2):355–369. Available from:
Blair JE, Coffey MD, Park S-Y, Geiser DM, Kang S. A multi-locus phylogeny for Phytophthora utilizing markers derived from complete genome sequences. Fungal Genetics and Biology [Internet]. 2008 ;45:266 - 277. Available from:
Moralejo E, Pérez-Sierra AM, Álvarez LA, Belbahri L, Lefort F, Descals E. Multiple alien Phytophthora taxa discovered on diseased ornamental plants in Spain. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2009 ;58(1):100 - 110. Available from:
Brasier CM, Cooke DEL, Duncan JM, Hansen EM. Multiple new phenotypic taxa from trees and riparian ecosystems in Phytophthora gonapodyides-P. megasperma ITS Clade 6, which tend to be high-temperature tolerant and either inbreeding or sterile. Mycological Research [Internet]. 2003 ;107:277 - 290. Available from:
Brasier CM, Cooke DEL, Duncan JM, Hansen EM. Multiple new phenotypic taxa from trees and riparian ecosystems in Phytophthora gonapodyides-P. megasperma ITS Clade 6, which tend to be high-temperature tolerant and either inbreeding or sterile. Mycological Research [Internet]. 2003 ;107(3):277 - 290. Available from:
Jung T, Stukely MJC, Hardy GES t J, White D, Paap T, Dunstan WA, Burgess TI. Multiple new Phytophthora species from ITS Clade 6 associated with natural ecosystems in Australia: evolutionary and ecological implications. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi [Internet]. 2011 ;26:13-39. Available from:
Jung T, Stukely MJC, Hardy GESJ, White D, Paap T, Dunstan WA, Burgess TI. Multiple new Phytophthora species from ITS Clade 6 associated with natural ecosystems in Australia: evolutionary and ecological implications. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi [Internet]. 2011 ;26(1):13 - 39. Available from:
Kostov K, Verstappen ECP, Bergervoet JHW, De Weerdt M, Schoen CD, Slavov S, Bonants PJM. Multiplex detection and identification of Phytophthora spp. using target-specific primer extension and Luminex xTAG technology. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2016 ;65(6):1008 - 1021. Available from:
Brasier CM, Webber JF. Natural stem infection of Lawson cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) caused by Phytophthora ramorum. New Disease Reports [Internet]. 2012 ;25:26. Available from:
Jung T, Colquhoun IJ, Hardy SGEJ. New insights into the survival strategy of the invasive soilborne pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi in different natural ecosystems in Western Australia Woodward S. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2013 ;43(4):266–288. Available from:
Santini A, Barzanti GP, Capretti P. A new Phytophthora root disease of alder in Italy. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2001 ;85:560-560. Available from:
Beales PA, Giltrap PG, Payne A, Ingram N. A new threat to UK heathland from Phytophthora kernoviae on Vaccinium myrtillus in the wild. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2009 ;58:393–393. Available from:
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Vettraino A, Morel O, Perlerou C, Robin C, Diamandis S, Vannini A. Occurrence and distribution of Phytophthora; species in European chestnut stands, and their association with Ink Disease and crown decline. European Journal of Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2005 ;111:169-180. Available from:
Middleton JT, Baxter DV. The occurrence of Phytophthora and Pythium species on roots of native plants in northern California and southern Oregon. Phytopathology. 1955 ;45:694 (abstract).
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Campbell WA. The occurrence of Phytophthora cinnamomi in the soil under pine stands in the southeast. Phytopathology. 1951 ;41:742-746.
Dakwa JT. The occurrence of Phytophthora palmivora (Butl.) Butl. in soil in Ghana. Ghana Jnl. Agric. Sci [Internet]. 1974 ;7:37-41. Available from:
Vettraino AM, Barzanti GP, Bianco MC, Ragazzi A, Capretti P, Paoletti E, Luisi N, Anselmi N, Vannini A. Occurrence of Phytophthora species in oak stands in Italy and their association with declining oak trees. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2002 ;32:19–28. Available from:
