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Scanu B, Linaldeddu BT, Franceschini A, Anselmi N, Vannini A, Vettraino AM. Occurrence of Phytophthora cinnamomi in cork oak forests in Italy Belbahri L. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2013 ;43(4):340–343. Available from:
Horner IJ, Hough EG. Phosphorus acid for controlling Phytophthora ‘taxon Agathis’ in kauri: glasshouse trials. . New Zealand Plant Protection [Internet]. 2013 ;66:242-248. Available from:
Ginetti B, Moricca S, Squires JN, Cooke DEL, Ragazzi A, Jung T. Phytophthora acerina sp. nov., a new species causing bleeding cankers and dieback of Acer pseudoplatanus trees in planted forests in northern Italy. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2013 ;63(4):858–876. Available from:
Pennycook SR. Phytophthora castaneae, the correct name for P. katsurae nom. nov. superfl. Mycotaxon [Internet]. 2013 ;121(1):327 - 331. Available from:
Prospero S, Vercauteren A, Heungens K, Belbahri L, Rigling D. Phytophthora diversity and the population structure of Phytophthora ramorum in Swiss ornamental nurseries. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2013 ;62(5):1063–1071. Available from:
Grijalba PE, Palmucci HE, Guillin E, Herrera C. Phytophthora multivora causing leaf spot on rhododendrons in Argentina. New Disease Reports [Internet]. 2013 ;27:20. Available from:
Lilja A, Thinggaard K, Munda A. Phytophthora on Betula spp. (birch). JKI Data Sheets – Plant Diseases and Diagnosis [Internet]. 2013 ;80:7 pp. Available from:
Reeser P, Sutton W, Hansen E. Phytophthora pluvialis, a new species from mixed tanoak-Douglas-fir forests of western Oregon, U.S.A. North American Fungi [Internet]. 2013 ;8(7):1-8. Available from:
Sims L. Phytophthora species and riparian alder tree damage in western Oregon. Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University [Internet]. 2013 ;Ph.D. Available from:
Pérez-Sierra A, López-García C, León M, García-Jiménez J, Abad-Campos P, Jung T. Previously unrecorded low-temperature Phytophthora species associated with Quercus decline in a Mediterranean forest in eastern Spain. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2013 ;43(4):331–339. Available from:
Waipara NW, Hill S, Hill LMW, Hough EG, Horner IJ. Surveillance methods to determine tree health, distribution of kauri dieback disease and associated pathogens. New Zealand Plant Protection [Internet]. 2013 ;66:235–241. Available from:
Leonberger AJ, Speers C, Ruhl G, Creswell T, Beckerman JL. A survey of Phytophthora spp. in midwest nurseries, greenhouses, and landscapes. Plant Disease. 2013 ;97(5):635 - 640.
Oh E, Gryzenhout M, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Burgess TI. Surveys of soil and water reveal a goldmine of Phytophthora diversity in South African natural ecosystems. IMA Fungus [Internet]. 2013 ;4(1):123 - 131. Available from:
Than DJ, Hughes KJD, Boonhan N, Tomlinson JA, Woodhall JW, Bellgard SE. A TaqMan real-time PCR assay for the detection of Phytophthora ‘taxon Agathis’ in soil, pathogen of Kauri in New Zealand Andrea V. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2013 ;43(4):324–330. Available from:
Scanu B, Hunter GC, Linaldeddu BT, Franceschini A, Maddau L, Jung T, Denman S. A taxonomic re-evaluation reveals that Phytophthora cinnamomi and P. cinnamomi var. parvispora are separate species Andrea V. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2013 :n/a - n/a. Available from:
Hood IA, Williams NM, Dick MA, Arhipova N, Kimberley MO, Scott PM, Gardner JF. Decline in vitality of propagules of Phytophthora pluvialis and Phytophthora kernoviae and their inability to contaminate or colonise bark and sapwood in Pinus radiata export log simulation studies. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science [Internet]. 2014 ;44(7):13 pp. Available from:
Sechi C, Seddaiu S, Linaldeddu BT, Franceschini A, Scanu B. Dieback and Mortality of Pinus radiata Trees in Italy Associated with Phytophthora cryptogea. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2014 ;98(1):159 - 159. Available from:
Tooley PW, Browning M, Leighty RM. Effects of Inoculum Density and Wounding on Stem Infection of Three Eastern US Forest Species by Phytophthora ramorum. Journal of Phytopathology [Internet]. 2014 ;162(10):683 - 689. Available from:
Dungey H, Williams N, Low C, Stovold G. First evidence of genetic-based tolerance to red needle cast caused by Phytophthora pluvialis in radiata pine. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science [Internet]. 2014 ;44:31. Available from:
Hejna M, Cerny K, Havrdova L, Mrazkova M. First Report of Phytophthora hedraiandra Causing Rhododendron Dieback and Root Rot of Common Beech in the Czech Republic. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2014 ;98(10):1434 - 1434. Available from:
Wang T, Zhao W, Qi R-D. First Report of Phytophthora tentaculata Causing Stem and Root Rot on Celery in China. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2014 ;98(3):421 - 421. Available from:
Rooney-Latham S, Blomquist CL. First Report of Root and Stem Rot Caused by Phytophthora tentaculata on Mimulus aurantiacus in North America. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2014 ;98(7):996 - 996. Available from:
Ginetti B, Carmignani S, Ragazzi A, Werres S, Moricca S. Foliar Blight and Shoot Dieback Caused by Phytophthora ramorum on Viburnum tinus in the Pistoia Area, Tuscany, Central Italy. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2014 ;98(3):423 - 423. Available from:
Zappia RE, Huberli D, Hardy GESt.J, Bayliss KL. Fungi and oomycetes in open irrigation systems: knowledge gaps and biosecurity implications. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2014 :n/a - n/a. Available from:
Steward GA, Kimberley MO, Mason EG, Dungey HS. Growth and productivity of New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis (D.Don) Lindl.) in planted forests. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science [Internet]. 2014 ;44(27):13 pp. Available from:
