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Filters: Genotypic-diversity-phytophthora-cinnamomi-and-p-plurivora-maryland%E2%80%99s-nurseries-and-mid is   [Clear All Filters]
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Serrano MS, De Vita P, Carbonero MD, Fernández F, Fernández-Rebollo P, Sánchez ME. Susceptibility to Phytophthora cinnamomi of the commonest morphotypes of Holm oak in southern Spain. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2012 ;42:345–347. Available from:
Serrano MS, Osmundson T, Almaraz-Sanchez A, Croucher PJP, Swiecki T, Alvarado D, Garbelotto M. A microsatellite analysis identifies global pathways of movement of Phytophthora cinnamomi and the likely sources of wildland infestations in California and Mexico. Phytopathology [Internet]. 2019 . Available from:
Seddaiu S, Linaldeddu BT. First Report of Phytophthora acerina, P. plurivora, and P. pseudocryptogea Associated with Declining Common Alder Trees in Italy. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2020 ;104(6):1874. Available from:
Sechi C, Seddaiu S, Linaldeddu BT, Franceschini A, Scanu B. Dieback and Mortality of Pinus radiata Trees in Italy Associated with Phytophthora cryptogea. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2014 ;98(1):159 - 159. Available from:
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Scott P, Williams N. Phytophthora diseases in New Zealand forests. New Zealand Journal of Forestry [Internet]. 2014 ;59(2):14-21. Available from:
Scott PM, Burgess TI, Barber PA, Shearer BL, Stukely MJC, Hardy GESJ, Jung T. Phytophthora multivora sp. nov., a new species recovered from declining Eucalyptus, Banksia, Agonis and other plant species in Western Australia. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi [Internet]. 2009 ;22:1-13(13). Available from:
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Scanu B, Hunter GC, Linaldeddu BT, Franceschini A, Maddau L, Jung T, Denman S. A taxonomic re-evaluation reveals that Phytophthora cinnamomi and P. cinnamomi var. parvispora are separate species Andrea V. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2013 :n/a - n/a. Available from:
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Santos AF dos, Tessmann DJ, Alves TCA, Vida JB, Harakava R. Root and crown rot of Brazilian pine (Araucaria angustifolia) caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Journal of Phytopathology [Internet]. 2011 ;159:194–196. Available from:
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Santos AF dos. Comportamento diferenciado da gomose de Phytophthora em diferentes alturas ao longo de troncos de acácia-negra (Acacia mearnsii) em Piratini, RS. Boletim de Pesquisa Florestal [Internet]. 2001 ;43:145-149. Available from:
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