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Betlejewski F, Casavan K, Dawson A, Goheen DG, Mastrofini K, Rose DL, White DE. A range-wide assessment of Port-Orford-Cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) on federal lands. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management; 2003 p. 182. Available from:
Brasier CM, Jung T. Recent developments in Phytophthora diseases of trees and natural ecosystems in Europe. Progress in Research on Phytophthora Diseases of Forest Trees. Proceedings, 3rd Int. IUFRO Working Party. 2006 ;7:11–17.
Brasier CM. The role of Phytophthora pathogens in forests and semi-natural communities in Europe and Africa Hansen EM, Sutton W. Proceedings of 1st International Meeting on Phytophthoras in Forest and Wildland Ecosystems. 1999 :6–13.
Buisman CJ. Root rots caused by Phycomycetes. 1927 :51 pp.
Burgess TI, Webster JL, Ciampini JA, White D, Hardy GSJE, Stukely MJC. Re-evaluation of Phytophthora species isolated during 30 years of vegetation health surveys in western Australia using molecular techniques. Plant Disease. 2009 ;93(3):215 - 223.
Butler EJ. Report of the imperial mycologist, 1918–1919. Science Report Institute Pusa. 0 :82 pp.
