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A range-wide assessment of Port-Orford-Cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) on federal lands. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management; 2003 p. 182. Available from:
. Recent developments in Phytophthora diseases of trees and natural ecosystems in Europe. Progress in Research on Phytophthora Diseases of Forest Trees. Proceedings, 3rd Int. IUFRO Working Party. 2006 ;7:11–17.
. The role of Phytophthora pathogens in forests and semi-natural communities in Europe and Africa . Proceedings of 1st International Meeting on Phytophthoras in Forest and Wildland Ecosystems. 1999 :6–13.
. Root rots caused by Phycomycetes. 1927 :51 pp.
. Re-evaluation of Phytophthora species isolated during 30 years of vegetation health surveys in western Australia using molecular techniques. Plant Disease. 2009 ;93(3):215 - 223.
. Report of the imperial mycologist, 1918–1919. Science Report Institute Pusa. 0 :82 pp.
. Root disease of Castanea species and some coniferous and broadleaf nursery stocks, caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Phytopathology. 1945 ;35:162-180.
. Root-rot of sweet chestnut and beech caused by species of Phytophthora. Forestry. 1938 ;12:101–116.
. Root infections may challenge management of invasive Phytophthora spp. in U.K. woodlands. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2011 ;95:13-18. Available from:
. Real-time PCR assay to distinguish Phytophthora ramorum lineages using the cellulose binding elicitor lectin (CBEL) locus. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2014 ;36(3):367 - 376. Available from:
. Root disease of alder in Britain. [Internet]. 1995 :661–664. Available from:
. Role of salicylic acid in phosphite-induced protection against Oomycetes; a Phytophthora cinnamomi - Lupinus augustifolius model system. European Journal of Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2015 ;141(3):559 - 569. Available from:
. Redesignation of Phytophthora taxon Pgchlamydo as Phytophthora chlamydospora sp. nov. North American Fungi [Internet]. 2015 ;10:1–14. Available from:
. Relationships between health of Quercus robur, occurrence of Phytophthora species and site conditions in southern Sweden. Plant Pathology. 2005 ;54(4):502 - 511.
. Re-evaluation of Phytophthora citricola isolates from multiple woody hosts in Europe and North America reveals a new species, Phytophthora plurivora sp. nov. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi. 2009 ;22(1):95 - 110.
. A risk assessment of climate change and the impact of forest diseases on forest ecosystems in the Western United States and Canada. [Internet]. 2011 :70 p. Available from:
. Response of selected South Australian native plant species to Phytophthora cinnamomi. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2012 ;61:1165–1178. Available from:
. Reconstruction of the sudden oak death epidemic in California through microsatellite analysis of the pathogen Phytophthora ramorum. Molecular Ecology [Internet]. 2008 ;17:2755–2768. Available from:
. Relationship between field resistance to Phytophthora ramorum and constitutive phenolic chemistry of coast live oak. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2011 ;41:464–469. Available from:
. Rapid diagnosis of pathogenic Phytophthora species in soil by real-time PCR . Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2016 . Available from:
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A revised systematics of twelve papillate Phytophthora species based on isozyme analysis. Mycological Research [Internet]. 1991 ;95(9):1025 - 1046. Available from:
. Root Rot of Juniperus and Microbiota by Phytophthora lateralis in Oregon Horticultural Nurseries. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2020 ;104(5):1500 - 1506. Available from:
. Root and aerial infections of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana by Phytophthora lateralis: a new threat for European countries. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2010 ;41:417–424. Available from:
. Report on the risk of entry, establishment, spread and socio-economic loss and environmental impact and the appropriate level of management for Phytophthora ramorum for the EU. . [Internet]. 2009 ;Deliverable Report 28:311 p. Available from: