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Term Definition

A small rounded or conic elevation, generally translucent, of the wall of sporangia and gametangia, which on breaking serves as the point of exit of zoospores.


Having a well developed papilla.


Pertaining to the sexual stage in which the antheridium is attached to the side of the oogonium. Compare with amphigynous.


A slender stalk or support of spores, sporangia, cystidia, asci, etc.

pedicel length

The length of pedicel on a sporangium after shedding by caducous species; three divisions are recognized by Gallegly and Hong: short, <5µm; intermediate, 5-20µm;and long, >20µm.


Applied to structures that remain after their function has ceased; e.g., sporangia that remain in place after sporulation. Compare with caducous.


to be full; e.g., a plerotic sporangium is one which is full of spores; a plerotic oospore is one that fills the oogonium. Compare with aplerotic.


Successive development of new sporangiophores; internal proliferation occurs when the sporangiophore continues to grow through the empty sporangium; external proliferation occurs from growth of a sporangiophore from beneath and external to a sporangium.


Pear shaped, with the narrowest part at the base. Compare with obpyriform.