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Journal Article
Hansen EM, Roth LF, Hamm PB, Julis. AJ. Survival, spread, and pathogenicity of Phytophthora spp. on Douglas-fir seedlings planted on forest sites. Phytopathology 70: [Internet]. 1980 ;70:422-425. Available from:
Chastagner GA, Hamm PB, Riley KL. Symptoms and Phytophthora spp. associated with root rot and stem canker of noble fir Christmas trees in the Pacific Northwest. Plant disease [Internet]. 1995 ;79:290–293. Available from:
Hansen EM, Hamm PB, Roth LF. Testing Port-Orford-cedar for resistance to Phytophthora. Plant Disease. 1989 ;73:791–794.
Davidson JM, Wickland AC, Patterson HA, Falk KR, Rizzo DM. Transmission of Phytophthora ramorum in mixed-evergreen forest in California. Phytopathology [Internet]. 2005 ;95:587-596. Available from:
Rea AJ, Burgess TI, Hardy SGEJ, Stukely MJC, Jung T. Two novel and potentially endemic species of Phytophthora associated with episodic dieback of Kwongan vegetation in the south-west of Western Australia. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2011 ;60:1055–1068. Available from:
Brasier CM, Rose J, Gibbs JN. An unusual Phytophthora associated with widespread alder mortality in Britain. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 1995 ;44:999 - 1007. Available from:
Rolando C, Gaskin R, Horgan D, Williams N, Bader M. The use of adjuvants to improve uptake of phosphorous acid applied to Pinus radiata needles for control of foliar Phytophthora diseases. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science [Internet]. 2014 ;44(1):8. Available from:
Redondo MA, Boberg J, Olsson CHB, Oliva J. Winter Conditions Correlate with Phytophthora alni Subspecies Distribution in Southern Sweden. Phytopathology [Internet]. 2015 ;105(9):1191 - 1197. Available from:
