P. nicotianae oogonia 100x. Photo from Q-bank: www.q-bank.eu, Henk Brouwer (CBS-KNAW, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
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P. nicotianae oogonia |
Comparative gametangial morphology of Phytophthora Clade 5 species Comparative gametangial morphology of Phytophthora Clade 5 species, with SEM (top) and light microscopy (bottom). P. heveae has smooth walled oogonia with funnel-shaped, amphigynous antheridia. P. agathidicida has mildly stipulate oogonia with globose amphigynous antheridia. P.cocois has mildly bullate oogonia with reflexed amphigynous antheridia. P. castaneae has coarsely bullate oogonium with rugose protuberances and narrow amphigynous antheridia (Weir et al. 2015). |
P. megakarya chlamydospore
Terminal chlamydospore of P. megakarya
P. cryptogea colony morpholgy on V8 Colony morphology on V8 at 14 days |
P. pluvialis on Pinus radiata in New Zealand Lesions consistent with the presence of red needle cast disease are more abundant at the base of Pinus radiata needles as indicated by the arrow. |
P. pseudosyringae sporangia Ovoid, semipapillate sporangia showing sympodial development of sporangiophore |
P. pseudotsugae sporangia Broadly ovoid, papillate sporangia in water |
P. agathidicida growth on CMA Diffuse, non-patterned, colony morphology of ICMP 16471 (the original “Gadgil isolate”) after 10-days incubation at 20°C in the dark |
Comparative gametangial morphology of Phytophthora Clade 5 species Comparative gametangial morphology of Phytophthora Clade 5 species, with SEM (top) and light microscopy (bottom). P. heveae has smooth walled oogonia with funnel-shaped, amphigynous antheridia. P. agathidicida has mildly stipulate oogonia with globose amphigynous antheridia. P.cocois has mildly bullate oogonia with reflexed amphigynous antheridia. P. castaneae has coarsely bullate oogonium with rugose protuberances and narrow amphigynous antheridia (Weir et al. 2015). |
P. cambivora sporangia Empty sporangia of P. cambivora showing nested internal proliferation |
P. pinifolia on Pinus radiata needles Pinus radiata needles, note “black line” symptom near needle bases |
P. siskiyouensis sporangium P. siskiyouensis sporangium with lateral semi-papilla and subterminal, sub-basal insertion in the sporangiophore |