Colony morphology on carrot agar at 20 days
Photo Gallery
P. pluvialis colony morphology on carrot agar |
P. ramorum sporangium Deciduous sporangium, photo from Q-bank, used with permission |
P. pluvialis on Pinus radiata in New Zealand Typical red needle cast symptoms along a twig. Lesions begin at the base of the needle which subsequently turns brown and is cast from the twig. |
P. agathidicia growth on V8 Colony morphology of ex-holotype ICMP 17027 after 10-days incubation at 20°C in the dark |
P. nemorosa sporangia Ovoid, semi-papillate sporangia showing sympodial development of sporangiophore |
Dead Port Orford Cedar trees Dead Chamaecyparis lawsoniana trees along road |
P. siskiyouensis bleeding canker Close-up of margin area of bole lesions under the bark of a bleeding canker |
P. agathidicida oospores in planta Oospores in the roots of kauri seedlings inoculated with P. agathidicida. The root has been cleared with potassium hydroxide and bleached with peroxide before being stained with trypan blue (scale bar =100 µm). |
P. palmivora oogonia P. palmivora oogonia with antheridia |
P. pinifolia on Pinus radiata Pinus radiata, note Stem canker associated with necrotic needles. |
P. pinifolia colony morphology on PDA Colony pattern after 7 days on PDA at 24C, photo from Q-bank, used with permission. |
P. nicotianae colony morphology on CMA Phytophthora nicotianae CBS 321.49 CMA after 7 days at 24 degrees. Photo from Q-bank:, Henk Brouwer (CBS-KNAW, Utrecht, The Netherlands) |