Colony morphology on V8 at 14 days
Photo Gallery
P. pseudosyringae colony morphology on V8 |
P. austrocedrae colony morphology on Tomato juice agar Colony morphology of P. austrocedrae at 16 ºC after 4 weeks on Tomato juice agar |
P. cactorum colony morphology on V8 Colony morphology on V8 at 14 days |
P. arenaria disease symptoms on Banksia landscape Dead Banksia sp. in a Kwongan heathland on mineral sand near Eneabba, Western Australia recently killed by root and collar rot caused by Phytophthora arenaria |
P. katsurae oogonia Oogonia with ornamentation |
Phytophthora cactorum disease symptoms on English walnut Mortality of Juglans regia caused by Phytophthora cactorum. |
P. pluvialis sporangia. P. pluvialis sporangia on tape peel from infected Douglas-fir needle. |
P. austrocedrae - Mal del ciprés, stages of decline Mal del ciprés, stages of decline |
Growth of P. megakarya on PDA Growth of P. megakarya on potato dextrose agar |
Comparative gametangial morphology of Phytophthora Clade 5 species Comparative gametangial morphology of Phytophthora Clade 5 species, with SEM (top) and light microscopy (bottom). P. heveae has smooth walled oogonia with funnel-shaped, amphigynous antheridia. P. agathidicida has mildly stipulate oogonia with globose amphigynous antheridia. P.cocois has mildly bullate oogonia with reflexed amphigynous antheridia. P. castaneae has coarsely bullate oogonium with rugose protuberances and narrow amphigynous antheridia (Weir et al. 2015). |
P. pluvialis symptoms on Douglas-fir Red needle cast symptoms on Douglas-fir in western Oregon, 2015 |
P. siskiyouensis colony morphology on PDA Colony morphology on PDA at 14 days |