Bleeding lesion on trunk of Fagus sylvatica
Photo Gallery
P. kernoviae disease on European beech |
P. nemorosa colony morphology on PDA Colony morphology on PDA at 14 days |
P. ramorum on larch in the United Kingdom Larch trees with P. ramorum in the UK |
P. cambivora disease symptoms Ink disease impact in sweet chestnut forest in Italy |
P. cactorum bleeding canker Bleeding canker on European beech (Fagus sylvatica) |
P. nicotianae colony morphology on V8 Phytophthora nicotianae CBS 321.49 V8 after 7 days at 24 degrees. Photo from Q-bank:, Henk Brouwer (CBS-KNAW, Utrecht, The Netherlands) |
P. nicotianae sporangia Noncaducous sporangium showing ovoid shape and papillate condition. (Fitopatol. bras. 2005) |
P. cryptogea colony morpholgy on PDA Colony morphology on PDA at 14 days |
P. pluvialis on Pinus radiata in New Zealand Typical red needle cast symptoms along a twig. Lesions begin at the base of the needle which subsequently turns brown and is cast from the twig. |
P. pluvialis hyphal swellings P. pluvialis hyphal swellings on agar |
P. siskiyouensis canker on Italian alder Phytophthora collar rot on Italian alder trees: an isolated bleeding canker on the trunk |
P. austrocedrae hyphal swellings in liquid media drawing Morphology of hyphae of Phytophthora austrocedrae, from Greslebin et al. 2007 |