Appressed colony morphology at 14 days at 20°C on PDA
Photo Gallery
P. cambivora colony morphology on PDA |
P. tentaculata hyphae Looping hyphae commonly seen with P. tentaculata on PARP media |
P. cactorum bleeding canker Bleeding canker on European beech (Fagus sylvatica) |
P. pinifolia colony morphology on V8 Colony morphology of P. pinifolia at 20°C on V8 after 3 weeks. From Duran et al. 2008 |
P. cinnamomi hyphal swellings P. cinnamomi hyphal swellings (or thin walled chlamydospores) |
P. pluvialis symptoms on Douglas-fir Red needle cast symptoms on Douglas-fir in western Oregon, 2015 |
P. pinifolia on Pinus radiata needles Pinus radiata needles, note “black line” symptom near needle bases |
P. pluvialis on Pinus radiata in New Zealand A stand of Pinus radiata trees affected by red needle cast disease. Note the reddish appearance of affected trees prior to needle drop. |
P. megasperma colony morphology on V8 Colony morphology on V8 at 7 days |
P. katsurae disease symptoms Infected chestnut tree with girdling canker on stem |
P. nicotianae colony morphology on V8 Phytophthora nicotianae CBS 321.49 V8 after 7 days at 24 degrees. Photo from Q-bank:, Henk Brouwer (CBS-KNAW, Utrecht, The Netherlands) |
P. kernoviae canker Bole lesion on Fagus sylvatica |