Growth of P. megakarya on potato dextrose agar
Photo Gallery
Growth of P. megakarya on PDA |
P. arenaria sporangia Typical ovoid papillate sporangia of Phytophthora arenaria on V8 agar flooded with soil extract |
P. megakarya disease symptoms on Theobroma cacao fruit Disease symptoms on a cocoa pod |
Phytophthora taxon Agathis bole canker Kauri tree in New Zealand with disease symptoms |
P. arenaria hyphal swellings Catenulate, globose to subglobose hyphal swellings, some of them with radiating hyphae scale bar = 50 μm. |
P. tentaculata sporangium Papillate sporangium of P. tentaculata with an elongated neck or beak. |
P. cinnamomi sporangium P. cinnamomi sporangium |
P. kernoviae oogonium Oogonium with amphigynous antheridia, photo from Q-bank, used with permission |
P. ramorum zoospores Sporangium of P. ramorum releasing zoospores |
P. cactorum bleeding canker Bleeding canker on European beech (Fagus sylvatica) |
P. austrocedrae - Mal del ciprés in Argentina Mal del ciprés looking toward Rio Grande, Chubut Province, Argentina |
P. nicotianae sporangia Noncaducous sporangium showing ovoid shape and papillate condition. (Fitopatol. bras. 2005) |