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Brasier CM, Cooke DEL, Duncan JM. Origin of a new Phytophthora pathogen through interspecific hybridization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Internet]. 1999 ;96:5878-5883. Available from:
Brasier CM, Rose J, Kirk SA, Webber JF. Pathogenicity of Phytophthora ramorum isolates from North America and Europe to bark of European Fagaceae, American Quercus rubra and other forest trees. In: Sudden oak death, a science symposium - the state of our knowledge, USDA Forest Service and University of California, Berkeley. Sudden oak death, a science symposium - the state of our knowledge, USDA Forest Service and University of California, Berkeley. ; 2002. pp. 30–31.
Brasier CM, Robredo F, Ferraz JFP. Evidence for Phytophthora cinnamomi involvement in Iberian oak decline. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 1993 ;42:140–145. Available from:
Brasier CM. Phytophthora cinnamomi and oak decline in southern Europe. Environmental constraints including climate change. Ann. For. Sci. [Internet]. 1996 ;53:347-358. Available from:
Brasier CM, Griffin MJ. Taxonomy of Phytophthora palmivora on cocoa. Transactions of the British Mycological Society [Internet]. 1979 ;72(1):111 - 143. Available from:
Brasier CM, Rose J, Gibbs JN. An unusual Phytophthora associated with widespread alder mortality in Britain. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 1995 ;44:999 - 1007. Available from:
Brasier CM, Vannini A, Chang TT, Vettraino AM. Phytophthora lateralis discovered in an old growth Chamaecyparis forest in Taiwan. Plant pathology. 2010 ;59:595–603.
Brasier CM, Hamm PB, Hansen EM. Cultural characters, protein patterns and unusual mating behaviour of Phytophthora gonapodyides isolates from Britain and North America. Mycological Research [Internet]. 1993 ;97:1287 - 1298. Available from:
Brasier CM, Jung T. Recent developments in Phytophthora diseases of trees and natural ecosystems in Europe. Progress in Research on Phytophthora Diseases of Forest Trees. Proceedings, 3rd Int. IUFRO Working Party. 2006 ;7:11–17.
Brasier CM, Kirk SA. Comparative aggressiveness of standard and variant hybrid alder phytophthoras, Phytophthora cambivora and other phytophthora species on bark of alnus, Quercus and other woody hosts. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2001 ;50:218. Available from:
Brasier CM. The role of Phytophthora pathogens in forests and semi-natural communities in Europe and Africa Hansen EM, Sutton W. Proceedings of 1st International Meeting on Phytophthoras in Forest and Wildland Ecosystems. 1999 :6–13.
Brasier CM. Oak mortality in Iberia. Nature [Internet]. 1992 ;360:539-539. Available from:
Brasier CM, Webber JF. Natural stem infection of Lawson cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) caused by Phytophthora ramorum. New Disease Reports [Internet]. 2012 ;25:26. Available from:
Brasier CM. The biosecurity threat to the UK and global environment from international trade in plants. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2008 ;57:792–808. Available from: