Publication Type:
Journal ArticleSource:
Eukaryotic Cell, Volume Early release (2012)URL:
Ten years after a threatening and previously unknown disease of oaks and tanoaks appeared in coastal California, a significant amount of progress has been made towards the understanding of its causal agent Phytophthora ramorum and of the novel pathosystems associated with this exotic organism. However, a complete understanding of the ecology and epidemiology of this species still eludes us. In part, our inability to fully understand this organism is due to its phylogenetic, phylogeographic, phenotypic, and epidemiological complexity, all reviewed in this paper. Most lines of evidence suggest the high disease severity reported in California is not simply due to a generalized lack of resistance or tolerance in na{\"ıve hosts, but also to an innate ability of the pathogen to survive in unfavorable climatic conditions and to reproduce rapidly when conditions become once again favorable.