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Chimento A, Cacciola SO, Garbelotto M. Detection of mRNA by reverse-transcription PCR as an indicator of viability in Phytophthora ramorum. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2012 ;42:14–21. Available from:
Chimento A, Cacciola SO, Garbelotto M. Detection of mRNA by reverse-transcription PCR as an indicator of viability in Phytophthora ramorum. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2012 ;42:14–21. Available from:
Riddell CE, Dun HF, Elliot M, Armstrong AC, Clark M, Forster J, Hedley PE, Green S. Detection and spread of Phytophthora austrocedri within infected Juniperus communis woodland and diversity of co-associated Phytophthoras as revealed by metabarcoding. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2020 ;50(3):e12602. Available from:
Schubert R, Bahnweg G, Nechwatal J, Jung T, Cooke DEL, Duncan JM, Muller-Starck G, Langebartels C, Sandermann J2H, Osswald W. Detection and quantification of Phytophthora species which are associated with root-rot diseases in European deciduous forests by species-specific polymerase chain reaction. Forest Pathology. 1999 ;29(3):169 - 188.
Allardyce JA, Rookes JE, Cahill DM. Defining plant resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi: a standardized approach to assessment. Journal of Phytopathology [Internet]. 2012 ;160:269–276. Available from:
Burgess TI, Scott JK, McDougall KL, Stukely MJC, Crane C, Dunstan WA, Brigg F, Andjic V, White D, Rudman T, et al. Current and projected global distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi, one of the world's worst plant pathogens. Global Change Biology [Internet]. 2016 . Available from:
Rollins L, Coats K, Elliott M, Chastagner G. Comparison of Five Detection and Quantification Methods for Phytophthora ramorum in Stream and Irrigation Water. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2016 ;100(6):1202 - 1211. Available from:
Rollins L, Coats K, Elliott M, Chastagner G. Comparison of Five Detection and Quantification Methods for Phytophthora ramorum in Stream and Irrigation Water. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2016 ;100(6):1202 - 1211. Available from:
Nechwatal J, Schlenzig A, Jung T, Cooke DEL, Duncan JM, Oßwald W. A combination of baiting and PCR techniques for the detection of Phytophthora quercina and P. citricola in soil samples from oak stands. Forest Pathology. 2001 ;31(2):85-97.
Rooney-Latham S, Blomquist CL, Pastalka T, Costello L. Collar rot on Italian alder trees in California caused by Phytophthora siskiyouensis. Plant Health Progress [Internet]. 2009 . Available from:
Chandelier A, Heungens K, Werres S. Change of Mating Type in an EU1 Lineage Isolate of Phytophthora ramorum. Journal of Phytopathology [Internet]. 2013 :n/a - n/a. Available from:
Chandelier A, Husson C, Druart P, Marçais B. Assessment of inoculation methods for screening black alder resistance to Phytophthora × alni. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2016 ;65(3):441 - 450. Available from:
Crone M, McComb JA, O'Brien PA, Hardy SGEJ. Assessment of Australian native annual/herbaceous perennial plant species as asymptomatic or symptomatic hosts of Phytophthora cinnamomi under controlled conditions Andrea V. Forest Pathology [Internet]. 2013 ;43(3):245–251. Available from:
Smith, I. W., Cunnington J, Pascoe I. Another new? species of Phytophthora on alder ‘down under’ (Australia). Brasier C, Jung T, Osswald W. Third International Meeting on Phytophthoras in Forest and Wildland Ecosystems. 2006 ;7:Poster 30.
Crone M, McComb JA, O’Brien PA, Hardy SGEJ. Annual and herbaceous perennial native Australian plant species are symptomless hosts of Phytophthora cinnamomi in the Eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) forest of Western Australia. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2012 ;43(3):245–251. Available from:
Mammella MA, Martin FN, Cacciola SO, Coffey M, Faedda R, Schena L. Analyses of the population structure in a global collection of Phytophthora nicotianae isolates inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Phytopathology. 2013 ;Early release.
Mammella MA, Martin FN, Cacciola SO, Coffey M, Faedda R, Schena L. Analyses of the population structure in a global collection of Phytophthora nicotianae isolates inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Phytopathology. 2013 ;Early release.
Krull CR, Waipara NW, Choquenot D, Burns BR, Gormley AM, Stanley MC. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence: Feral pigs as vectors of soil-borne pathogens. Austral Ecology [Internet]. 2013 ;38(5):534 - 542. Available from:
