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Balci Y, Balci S, Eggers J, MacDonald WL, Juzwik J, Long RP, Gottschalk KW. Phytophthora spp. associated with forest soils in eastern and north-central U.S. oak ecosystems. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2007 ;91:705-710. Available from:
Goheen EM, Frankel SJ, Goheen EM, Frankel SJ. Proceedings of the fourth meeting of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Working Party 07.02.09. Fourth Meeting of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Working Party 07.02.09 [Internet]. 2007 :334 p. Available from:
Frankel SJ, Kliejunas JT, Palmieri KM. Proceedings of the sudden oak death third science symposium. Sudden Oak Death Third Science Symposium [Internet]. 2007 :491 pp. Available from:
Mochiutti S. Produtividade e sustentabilidade de plantações de acácia-negra (Acacia mearnsii De Wild.) no Rio Grande do Sul. Curitiba. Engenharia Florestal [Internet]. 2007 ;Doctoral:266. Available from:
Thoirain B, Husson C, Marçais B. Risk factors for the Phytophthora-induced decline of alder in northeastern France. Phytopathology [Internet]. 2007 ;97:99-105. Available from:
Nelson AH, Hudler GW. A summary of North American hardwood tree diseases with bleeding canker symptoms. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry [Internet]. 2007 ;33(2):122-131. Available from:
Maseko B, Burgess TI, Coutinho TA, Wingfield MJ. Two new Phytophthora species from South African Eucalyptus plantations. Mycological Research [Internet]. 2007 ;111(11):1321 - 1338. Available from:
La Manna L, Matteucci SD, Kitzberger T. Abiotic factors related to the incidence of the Austrocedrus chilensis disease syndrome at a landscape scale. Forest Ecology and Management [Internet]. 2008 ;256:1087 - 1095. Available from:
Hansen EM. Alien forest pathogens: Phytophthora species are changing world forests. Boreal Env. Res. 2008 ;13:33–41.
Brasier CM. The biosecurity threat to the UK and global environment from international trade in plants. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2008 ;57:792–808. Available from:
Martin D. Developing techniques for evaluating the susceptibility of root-disease resistant Port-Orford-Cedar to foliar and stem canker diseases. 2008 .
Dodd RS, Hüberli D, Mayer W, Harnik TY, Afzal-Rafii Z, Garbelotto M. Evidence for the role of synchronicity between host phenology and pathogen activity in the distribution of sudden oak death canker disease. New Phytologist [Internet]. 2008 ;179:505–514. Available from:
Oh E, Lee SH, Kim KH, Lee JK, Shin KC. First report of chestnut ink disease by Phytophthora katsurae on chestnut in Korea. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2008 ;92:p. 312. Available from:
Vettraino AM, Jung T, Vannini A. First report of Phytophthora cactorum associated with beech decline in Italy. Plant Disease. 2008 ;92(12):1708 - 1708.
Meng J, Wang YC. First Report of Stalk Rot Caused by Phytophthora tentaculata on Aucklandia lappa in China. Plant Disease [Internet]. 2008 ;92(9):1365 - 1365. Available from:
Swiecki TJ, Bernhardt E. Increasing distance from California bay reduces the risk and severity of Phytophthora ramorum canker in coast live oak Frankel SJ, Kliejunas JT, Palmieri KM. Sudden oak death third science symposium [Internet]. 2008 ;Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-214:181-194. Available from:
Rytkönen A, Lilja A, Petäistö R-L, Hantula J. Irrigation water and Phytophthora cactorum in a forest nursery. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research [Internet]. 2008 ;23(5):404 - 411. Available from:
Blair JE, Coffey MD, Park S-Y, Geiser DM, Kang S. A multi-locus phylogeny for Phytophthora utilizing markers derived from complete genome sequences. Fungal Genetics and Biology [Internet]. 2008 ;45:266 - 277. Available from:
Černy K, Gregorova B, Strnadová V, Holub V, Tomsovsky M, Cervenka M. Phytophthora alni causing decline of black and grey alders in the Czech Republic. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2008 ;57:370–370. Available from:
Adams GC, Catal M, Trummer L, Hansen EM, Reeser P, Worrall JJ. Phytophthora alni subsp. uniformis found in Alaska beneath thinleaf alders. Plant Health Progress [Internet]. 2008 . Available from:
Cerny K, Gregorová B, Strnadová V, Tom{\v s}ovsky M, Holub V, Gabrielová {\v S}. Phytophthora cambivora causing ink disease of sweet chestnut recorded in the Czech Republic. Czech Mycol. [Internet]. 2008 ;60:265–274. Available from:
Cahill DM, Rookes JE, Wilson BA, Gibson L, McDougall KL. Phytophthora cinnamomi and Australia’s biodiversity: impacts, predictions and progress towards control. Australian Journal of Botany [Internet]. 2008 ;56:279–310. Available from:
Jung T, Nechwatal J. Phytophthora gallica sp. nov., a new species from rhizosphere soil of declining oak and reed stands in France and Germany. Mycological Research. 2008 ;112(10):1195 - 1205.
Gallegly ME, Hong C. Phytophthora: identifying species by morphology and DNA fingerprints. St. Paul, MN: American Phytopathological Society (APS Press); 2008 p. 158.
Durán A, Gryzenhout M, Slippers B, Ahumada R, Rotella A, Flores F, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. Phytophthora pinifolia sp. nov. associated with a serious needle disease of Pinus radiata in Chile. Plant Pathology [Internet]. 2008 ;57:715–727. Available from:
