P. nicotianae oogonia
P. nicotianae oogonia 100x. Photo from Q-bank: www.q-bank.eu, Henk Brouwer (CBS-KNAW, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
P. nicotianae oogonia 100x. Photo from Q-bank: www.q-bank.eu, Henk Brouwer (CBS-KNAW, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Oogonium and oospore with amphigynous antheridium
Oogonia and oospores with amphigynous antheridia
Oogonia and oospores with amphigynous antheridia
P. agathidicida oogonia with SEM (top) and light microscopy (bottom)
Paragynous antheridium attached to oogonium with oospore
Oospores and oogonia with mostly paragynous but some amphigynous antheridia of P. tentaculata
Oospores in the roots of kauri seedlings inoculated with P. agathidicida. The root has been cleared with potassium hydroxide and bleached with peroxide before being stained with trypan blue (scale bar =100 µm).
Oospores of P. agathidicida in the roots of kauri seedlings inoculated with P. agathidicida. The root has been cleared with potassium hydroxide and bleached with peroxide, before being stained with Trypan Blue
Oogonium and oospore with amphigynous antheridium